Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Education is changing. Recently school cuts have had a huge influence on how schools are being run. Classes are being eliminated, teachers being let go, and tuition costs are rising. In Bloomfield I’ve seen many changes take place: good teachers were asked to leave, supplies are limited, and some classes don’t even have text books. Students planning on furthering their education might be limited due to the rising tuition fees. If students do pursue a higher education will the current job market allow them to tackle the huge amounts of debt they will have, or will people decide that college isn’t worth it. This is a growing problem that our nation has found a temporary solution for, but as this continues problems are going to occur. Is this showing that we the value of education is going down? Education is so important that I don't agree with all the cuts being made.  I think that we found  and ran with the easiest solution instead taking to time to figure out a different plan. If this continues I think that we might see a downfall in the number of students continuing school after high school and in high school more classes will be cut that could be beneficial.    


  1. In recent years, the number of students attending college has actually gone up. The economy has forced people to gain higher education to get a better job to be able to support themselves and their family. Cuts in high school education will continue to force people to get a college degree, but as the price of college continues to rise, this may become more impossible. If this continues to happen, American's education may take a turn for the worse.

  2. I think most Americans would agree with you that education should be a priority and should not be cut. So here is my question: Why are we making these cuts? Is there the perception that schools spend too much? Is this true?

  3. I think a lot of students who desire higher education after high school don't realize the debt they will be accumulating from college. I understand that tuition is rising greatly, but one good option for those who would like to further their education is going to a community college, then transferring, or going to a state school. The education is just as good for a great price.

  4. We are making the cuts because I think that most adults don't realize the importance of education for their children. They either don't have the money to prevent cuts in education, or don't vote against budgets that are cutting education out of greed and self interest. Do schools spend too much? Yes they do. I still don't see why we bought "SMART" boards for almost every classroom in the school. Do we really need a smart board in our Band Room? Stimulus money is being put into meaningless technologies such as ipod's and ipads instead of giving money to the parts of education that really need it.

  5. I think that the government and politicians have lost touch with the importance of education and they are cutting it instead of other programs that could stand to be cut.
    People don't want their taxes to keep rising. Public high schools are supported by taxes and people want to pay less taxes. Therefore, something must be cut and sadly, education is on the metaphorical chopping block as well as the local police departments and fire departments.

  6. I think we've been making cuts in education because that's one of the few things that the goverment is willing to cut. It's a large portion of the budget, and as such, there is no choice but to decrease it. As Josh said, people don't want to pay higher taxes. I don't agree with the cuts by any means, but it has already been done. As Nicole said, the number of those who attend college has gone up out of necessity. It's very hard to find a job without having some higher education after high school. There are cheaper options, as Perri mentioned, but all types of colleges will leave students with some form of debt.

  7. Education is always going to be costly, but I don't think that cutting education is going to to benefit our National budget overal its more of a short term solution to the problem, but when you think about it it, what other things could be cut to make up? What new type of taxes could we impose? I think we could tax junk food. Haha other than that I'm kind of stumped, its a difficult problem.

  8. Like Lizzy said, the government is willing to cut education funds because they think that the people are just going to pay for the difference. What they don't realize is how the rising cost of education is forcing people to not have an opportunity to attend a college because they cannot afford it.

  9. I think that people should not attend college unless they know exactly what they want to do. This will save them money by not spending it on useless degrees. Also, people should choose career paths carefully. If the job market for a certain degree is not in good shape, one should take that into account. College is not the only way to a successful living contrary to what many people think. A person can get a good job by working their way up the economic ladder; however this is not very common. I don't agree with the cuts in education and I think this is very hypocritical of the government because aren't they the ones who are pushing the youth to obtain science and math degrees? Well if there isn't any money to spend on education how will people advance and the country as a whole?
