Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Education is changing. Recently school cuts have had a huge influence on how schools are being run. Classes are being eliminated, teachers being let go, and tuition costs are rising. In Bloomfield I’ve seen many changes take place: good teachers were asked to leave, supplies are limited, and some classes don’t even have text books. Students planning on furthering their education might be limited due to the rising tuition fees. If students do pursue a higher education will the current job market allow them to tackle the huge amounts of debt they will have, or will people decide that college isn’t worth it. This is a growing problem that our nation has found a temporary solution for, but as this continues problems are going to occur. Is this showing that we the value of education is going down? Education is so important that I don't agree with all the cuts being made.  I think that we found  and ran with the easiest solution instead taking to time to figure out a different plan. If this continues I think that we might see a downfall in the number of students continuing school after high school and in high school more classes will be cut that could be beneficial.