Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why wasnt WWI Prevented

I think that WW I was driven by nationalism. People were divided and everyone was fighting for what they believed in. I think that a lot of leaders were just fighting to gain power and popularity which caused everyone to be divided and hostile toward each other. If the people were so divided it was just a matter of time before some violence broke out.   


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A few people have posted similar thoughts; national prestige caused world leaders to make terrible decisions. This makes sense, but I have to ask; did the nations really go to war in 1914, knowing it would not benefit anyone, to protect their national honor? I don't think so. Rather, I think it was more fear that was created by the excessive militarism at the time. What do you think?

  3. I agree that the war was driven by nationalism. It definitely worked to unite countries, and I think that the other MAIN causes of WWI escalated this sense of nationalism. I don't think nations went to war to protect their honor. I think of nationalism more like sports fans who go to cheer on their team at the big game... they don't go to protect their team from defeat, but rather because they feel a sense of pride in what their team is fighting for.

  4. I believe that Mr. Geary is right in saying that the world went to war because of fear of the excessive militarism. No country wanted to be consumed and was constantly in fear of being overwhelmed by the neighboring country. It is easy for fear to erupt as violence, and I think that this is what really caused the outbreak of WWI

  5. I agree with Josh and his thoughts; Germany was trapped between both Russia and France, and could easily have been taken over if they had not tried to expand in power and size. They built up their naval size and technologies in order to overcome Britain and other nations that could possibly endanger Germany as a country. They did not start the war for "national honor."
